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The Legion of Brothers Veterans Project

If you work in one of the Legion of Brothers facilities specifically designed for our Homeless Veterans or those Veterans seeking non-medical respite care, then this page is for you!  

The Legion of Brothers Project Matrix

The purpose of the Legion of Brothers project is to remove veterans from homelessness and place them in a safe and secure residential environment where they can address immediate health needs, receive supportive services and access assistance to move into independent living.  A deciding factor in the success of the Legion of Brothers homeless veterans’ program is the willingness of the veteran to engage in services. Every effort is made to reduce barriers to success by pairing the veteran with a mentor who will assist and guide them in securing permanent housing, accessing vocational opportunities and placement, financial literacy skills, accessing benefits available to the veterans, linkage to health care, addressing any addictive concerns and inclusion on social and recreational activities. Veteran residents are considered successful when they have achieved their stated goals, inclusive of independent living.

Ensure the Intake document is completed within 24 hours of intake

Intake Face Sheet

The Intake Face Sheet is to be completed the day of arrival.  This is an extremely straightforward form and will assist you in establishing your initial relationship with the veteran.

The Initial Plan of Care is to be completed withing 14 days of intake.

Budget Form - provide this form to the veteran at this meeting. Review it with the veteran and ask them to be prepared to discuss at your next scheduled meeting.

Please obtain multiple copies of this document to have on hand at the facility.

If you feel your resident is not cognitively capable of completing the budgeting form, please confer with the Life Changes Case Manager for your project. 

  • This form is to be completed within 30-days of resident's intake.  For example, if a veteran enters the program on Jan 1st, their Initial Plan of Care is to be completed no later than Jan 14th and the 30 days is to be completed on Feb 1 or within 48 hours of Feb 1. 

  • Review the Budget Form provided to resident at Initial Plan of Care meeting

  • Transition Plan to be provided to the resident.  Be sure to review the Plan with your resident and clearly explain the expectations

  • Relapse Prevention Plan to be provided to resident.  Explain to the resident, even if the Veteran is not with us due to an addictive disorder, that when completing this plan, they should be thoughtful about their plan no to return to homelessness. 

  • Assist resident is completing the provided documents. 

  • Ensure Veteran is engaged with Nations Finest

  • Review Budget Form with resident

  • Review Transition Plan with resident

  • Review Relapse Prevention Plan with resident

  • Ensure Veteran is engaged with Nations Finest

  • Review Budget Form to ensure resident is ready to move at 90-days

  • Review Transition Plan and support resident in the transition process. Refer resident to office if additional assistance is needed

  • Review Relapse Prevention Plan wit a focus on continued recovery after program completion

  • Discuss with Program Case Manager if Veteran will require an extension of their stay.

  • Ensure Veteran is engaged with Nations Finest

  • If Veterans stay is extended, this form & process are to be completed every 30 days.

  • Review Budget Form to ensure resident is ready to move at 90-days.

  • Review Transition Plan and support Veteran in the transition process

  • Review Relapse Prevention plan with a focus on continued recovery after program completion

  • Ensure Veteran is engaged with Nations Finest

  • Discharge is to be completed with 24-hours of resident leaving the program.

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